Friday, January 8, 2016

New Year!

It feels great to be back! We truly missed all the children and are excited about the new year plans we have for the rest of the year.  The children have grown in many ways since their fist day of school. I saw them come into the classroom with a sense of comfort, a comfort that displayed their classroom and school environment as their second home... a place they missed. The children have built positive relationships with each other and it was noticed how much they missed each other during the break.

As the new year begins, we reflect on each child's accomplishments thus far and think about what goals we have for each child. There have been some changes to our environment as well as our schedule to reflect the needs of the children. Our morning meeting will start at 9:00 am (2:10 in the pm) and it is crucial for your child to arrive before this time. During morning meeting and afternoon meeting, the children will participate in literacy and math activities that will aid towards growth in these areas through out the year. Starting our day early will also allow us to have 20-25 minutes of small groups that will incorporate writing or reading mini books. Mini books will be sent home at the end of the week. We encourage you to read the books with your child at home.

Lost and found.
We have placed a  lost and found basket in our parents sign-in shelf. Please check the basket for lost items. There are two or three sweaters and more items in there now that we know belong to children in the classroom. Please check at your convenience.

Thank you to Mr.& Mrs. Karagatsoulis!
We didn't get a chance to thank Khristos' parents for coming into the classroom and making Koulourakia cookies with the children. The experience was memorable and enjoyable to the children. Thank you again for your time. We strongly appreciate your involvement with our classroom community.

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