Friday, October 2, 2015

Clap, Clap, Snap


Recognizing, creating, and extending patterns was part of our math small group this week. The children were highly motivated to participate and invent their own patterns using body movements. Chants of AB, ABB and ABC patterns were heard through out the classroom.

In addition to patterns and sequencing concepts for small groups, the preschoolers made their first entries in their journals. We noticed the children needed support with pencil grip and provided them with short, golf pencils to force the use of pencil grip. Journals will be an on-going literacy activity to enhance prewriting and reading skills while teaching the children that their thoughts, feelings, and words can take physical form and can be shared with others.  Tornadoes, hurricanes, planets, and letter formations were a few favorites.

The children also participated in practicing the skill of using scissors. When we choose a skill for small groups, we consider practical skills where extra support is beneficial for the children. The children fed, “Starvin Marvin”(an empty, Parmesan container with eyes) small pieces of paper that could fit in his mouth. He has become a loved addition to our classroom!

Next week for small groups, we will continue to work on patterns, letter recognition, and putting on coats.


A new interest has emerged! We introduced slats and marbles to the children this week and it was a big hit! The children investigated how to get the marble down a slope and getting the marble from one slat to the other. That takes a lot of thinking for a 3 or 4 year old! We could see the children had some prior knowledge about gravity. They knew one side of the slat needed to be elevated to be able to get the marble from one end to the other. Others laid the slats flat and pushed with their hand. When it came to getting the marble from one slat to another slat, things got a little harder and lots of thinking happened. The perseverance the children had was exciting to watch. Connecting the ends of the slats, and laying one end on top of the other, were strategies used to keep the marble on slats. The strategies did not always work. Sometimes the marble was knocked out of its path, or it completely stopped at connected ends. Tunnels, walls, and gates were also built around the pathways. We are excited to see the evolution of this investigation as we continue to support the preschoolers on emerging interests! 

LUNCHES (you may skip this part if your child is half day)

As your child’s educators, we hold each part of our routine with equal high importance. Lunchtime is no exception. Our school policy highly encourages parents to pack their child a “high-quality nutritious lunch.” If you provide juice in your child’s lunch, it MUST be 100% fruit juice.  This means the Caprisun pouches and other high sugar drinks will not be served to your child if they are in their lunches. Milk and water are always offered at lunch. We are committed to ensure all children in our classroom grow up with healthy bodies and minds and believe that packing a healthy lunch will influence the course of their lives and the choices they make regarding their future well-being. Therefore, we would like to propose not packing high sugar snacks, or food in your child’s lunch (one small treat is okay).We took the time to take pictures of healthy lunches this week and wanted to share them with you in hopes to give you ideas of what a healthy lunch consists of. If you have any questions regarding lunches, please contact us ASAP. 


We are on the works of trying to solve viewing problems with Snapfish. It has come to our attention many of you cannot view the pictures on Snapfish. We are have difficulty loading pictures and are not sure if the website is the problem or the technology in our part. If you are still having this problem, please, please email us. We might need to find another way of sharing the classroom photos. Thank you for being patient about this matter. We will keep you updated.


We have noticed many of you encouraging your child to sign-in. Thank you for making the time to make this part of your drop-off routine! To practice the pencil grip, encourage your child to sign in with a golf pencil. We also want to thank Khristos’ family for bringing the Greek dolls for our classroom museum of family artifacts. There is still plenty of room to add more!

  • Family Gathering- Plymouth Orchards & Cider Mill 10/10/15 1-4:00pm
  • Families in the Art Studio Event 10/16/15 4:00-5:00pm. Come and share the schools art studio with your child!

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